On July 7th, 2024, the inaugural Cayford Classic Golf Tournament took place at the picturesque Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course. Named in honour of Forward Foundation’s founder, Christopher Cayford, this event was filled with camaraderie, laughter, and a shared commitment to giving back.

Participants enjoyed the beautiful green landscape, teed it up, and exchanged smiles while connecting with friends and fellow supporters. The vibrant atmosphere and the joy of the game made the Cayford Classic a memorable experience for everyone involved.

The tournament successfully raised funds for three worthy organizations: the Forward Foundation, the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association, and South Delta Hockey. Each plays an essential role in supporting our community, and the contributions from this event will have a significant impact.

A highlight of the day was a moving speech from Guillaume, a past recipient of the Foundation’s support. Guillaume shared his heartfelt journey and experience with cancer, adding a deeply personal and inspiring touch to the event.

We at the Forward Foundation are incredibly grateful for the generous donations and the enthusiastic participation that made the Cayford Classic a success. Your support and enthusiasm make these events possible and help us continue our mission of bringing hope and meaningful experiences to those in need. Thank you for being a part of this special day and for your ongoing support, and we look forward to next year’s Cayford Classic.