Vancouver, BC – Since the official launch of the Forward Foundation in March 2018, the board has been focused on fundraising in preparation of opening the online application process this winter. However, as fate would have it, the Callanish Society referred Miss Tamara O’Brien and the board instantly knew that supporting her was perfectly aligned with the vision of the Forward Foundation’s inspiration, Christopher Cayford.

The Forward Foundation was introduced to Tamara last month, just prior to the Cayford Gala 2018. A 22-year-old high performance trampoline gymnast, Tamara was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer last spring. Tamara’s initial cancer diagnosis came just after she won the silver medal in women’s double mini-trampoline at the 2017 World Games. Her treatments prevented her from being able to travel and compete in the 2017 World Championships. “We received Tamara’s application and her request struck every member of the Forward Foundation board”, stated Forward Foundation Chair, Claire Conde. Tamara thoughtfully expressed her desire to connect with her Gymnastics community by attending the World Championships in St Petersburg, Russia from November 7-10, 2018, with close friend and teammate, Pam Kriangkum. An event she would have been competing in if it weren’t for her diagnosis.
With her application unanimously approved, the Foundation informed Tamara that her trip was going to become a reality. As the first recipient of a Forward Foundation experience, Tamara received an all-expenses paid trip for two to the Trampoline Gymnastics World Championships in Russia. The plans came together quickly; visa applications submitted, flights and accommodations booked, Russian ruble spending money in hand, and accreditation to take in all the events. Just five days before their departure, the young women received their travel visas and were set to go!
Read more about Tamara’s adventure at World Championships in her blog: Here or follow her on Instagram @tamaraobrien.
Read more of Tamara’s story: Here